Ionică Bizău

Programmer, Pianist & Organist, Jesus follower

Increasing productivity using Blah 2.0.0

Few months ago I was introducing Blah–one of nicest tools I ever used in module/project development. It helped me a lot. Literally. More than 80% of my projects documentation was generated by this tool.

Recently I started building some new features, working on the 2.0.0 milestone of this project and finally, the 2.0.0 branch was merged. 97 commits, 34 files changed, and 1.659 lines changed (1,197 additions, 462 deletions). Cool, right? Let's see what's hiding behind these numbers.

Blah Help

The new big feature is templates. There are three levels of Blah templates:

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Reserving packages on NPM

As of 20th of August, 2015, I discontinued this project:

⚠️ This project is discontinued and deprecated. By reserving NPM packages without publishing code, you are violating the NPM terms. For more information please refer to Acceptable Package Content

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Visualize your GitHub projects languages

I created a tiny tool for visualizing the programming languages collected from someone's GitHub repositories. It is available here, being hosted on GitHub pages.

Below, you can see an embeded chart with my programming languages:

We get the data via the GitHub API and then render the language stats using drawPieChart.

It also has an API for embeding (you already saw I embeded it in this article). You can embed it via an <iframe> element which looks like this (replace username with your username):

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Upload files using NodeJS

In this article I will describe how to upload files using Lien and Formidable, after creating a NodeJS HTTP server.

Lien is a tiny high-level framework for creating HTTP servers, being one of the libraries which power Bloggify.

Formidable is a NodeJS module for parsing form data and file uploads. We will use it to create a file upload interface in a Lien server.

First of all, create the directory structure:

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We're getting social

I released the initial version of Bloggify social plugin, adding the functionality to share the articles on social networks.

Check out the plugin source. The CSS and HTML are generated by this social builder which is really cool!

To find more about Bloggify, check out the Bloggify website.

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Introducing the RSS Feed

Many people use RSS readers to get updates from the sites subscribed.

I built a Bloggify plugin that brings the RSS feed page on my blog which runs Bloggify.

The RSS feed page is So you can add it to your RSS reader sources to be notified when a new article is posted here.

I used the QuiteRSS application for testing the things out.

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The OctoSnowCat

It's a snowy weather here… And I had a lot of fun by building a 3D octocat of snow: actually an OctoSnowCat. Yeps, here is the result:

The OctoSnowCat

The GitHubbers will understand. If you didn't get it, watch the following video with the 3D octocat figurine:

…and buy it, if you like it and have enough money.

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Develop desktop applications using web technologies

Building a website is easy: just some HTML styled with CSS and with some JavaScript handlers for the user interaction. But what about desktop applications? I've never liked to build desktop applications because they generally depend on the platform they run.

That's why I decided to build BAT – A tiny tool for building native desktop applications using WEB technologies.



Currently the available binaries are for Linux and Mac OS X only. To install the latest BAT version, run the following commands:

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IsRespo: Test your website responsiveness

I'm happy to announce IsRespo 1.0.0 the newest release of IsRespo – a tool for visualizing how websites are loaded on different devices (big displays, laptops, tables, phones etc).

The tool is available online, but it can be downloaded via git or npm, also:

# git
$ git clone [email protected]:IonicaBizau/IsRespo.git
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