Ionică Bizău

Reserving packages on NPM

As of 20th of August, 2015, I discontinued this project:

⚠️ This project is discontinued and deprecated. By reserving NPM packages without publishing code, you are violating the NPM terms. For more information please refer to Acceptable Package Content

The original article follows.

Sometimes I have ideas about interesting tools to develop but I don't have time to build them. Since I use Node.JS and NPM (Node Package Manager) I created npmreserve – a tool for reserving package names on NPM. 💡


Supposing NodeJS and NPM are already installed on your machine, npmreserve can be installed running:

$ npm i -g npmreserve


The command line tool usage is simple. Let's say you want to reserve the foo package. For that you need to run:

$ npmreserve -n foo

This will create a package containing the and package.json files. While the description is not mandatory, you can provide it:

$ npmreserve -n foo -d 'some description'

Also, you can pass other package.json fields:

$ npmreserve -n foo -d 'some description' -o '{"author": "Alice"}'

In short, this is how to use npmreserve. For detailed information run npmreserve -h.

This can be used as library as well. Check out the repository on GitHub and as always I accept contributions! ✨

So, happy NPM package reserving!

Have feedback on this article? Let @IonicaBizau know on Twitter.

Have any questions? Feel free to ping me on Twitter.