Ionică Bizău

Switzerland, GitHub and Octocats

Two weeks ago I was in Switzerland, together with my colleagues from jillix. It was the first time I'd traveled by plane. We had a great time together!

I also had the opportunity to meet Ivan Žužak (@izuzak), who works in technical support at Github. He helped me with using the GitHub API. After I looked him up on GitHub, I noticed that he lives in Zurich and I thought: "I have to meet this guy!".

And we did! My colleagues from jillix and I had the opportunity to meet him and talk a little about Github.

He gave us a lot of Octocat stickers! We were super happy, cause everybody loves Octocats! is the photo!

Ivan and me

Talking about Octocats, I hacked my GitHub contributions calendar displaying an "I OCTOCATS! " message on my GitHub profile:

My Contributions Calendar

The repository also contains a fancy README file, which shows a big Octocat made out of Octocats!

It was a great week!

Switzerland, Octocats

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